
Widelands android
Widelands android

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I was now struck dumb indeed, and had not one word to say.I hadhere the spirit of true Christian zeal for God and religion beforeme.As for me, I had not so much as entertained a thought of thisin my heart before, and I believe I should not have thought of it for I looked upon these savages as slaves, and people whom, had wenot had any work for them to do, we would have used as such, orwould have been glad to have transported them to any part of theworld for our business was to get rid of them, and we would allhave been satisfied if they had been sent to any country, so theyhad never seen their own.I was confounded at his discourse, andknew not what answer to make him. He seemed very much concerned at it, for he had no rational accessto these poor people, seeing he did not understand one word oftheir language, nor they one of his.To remove this difficulty, Itold him Friday's father had learned Spanish, which I found he alsounderstood, and he should serve him as an interpreter.So he wasmuch better satisfied, and nothing could persuade him but he wouldstay and endeavour to convert them but Providence gave anothervery happy turn to all this. I could not yet imagine what he aimed at, and told him I grantedall he had said, and thanked him that he would so far concernhimself for us:and begged he would explain the particulars ofwhat he had observed, that like Joshua, to take his own parable, Imight put away the accursed thing from us.

Widelands android