Several plots would get derailed like Saint and Teacher's plans with Dragon. Meanwhile, people in Earth Bet would panic at the disappearance at the largest prison of parahumans. Some of the inmates could pass as fantasy characters like Glaistig Uaine who believes she's a queen of fairies, Marquis is relatively honorable and wears bone armor, Lung can turn into a dragon, etc
#Frostpunk fanart series
A series of shifting alliances and betrayals would occur among them and the inhabitants and factions of Elden Ring. Some would just want to live in peace, others would become warlords, a few become murderhobos, etc.
#Frostpunk fanart code
The inmates range from decent people who got screwed over like Canary, criminals with a code like Marquis, brutal thugs like Lung, criminal masterminds like Teacher, etc. They would go into their separate ways as they try to survive the hostile environmentand inhabitants. The inmates would eventually form up into groups after some debating and fighting, many of them led by cell block leaders like Marquis. Chaos ensues as the parahuman inmates see their opportunity and escape. Here's an idea, how about the Birdcage winds up transported into the Lands Between. If we're going to make a crossover with Worm, at least try something different. The Tarnished solos the world and does whatever the fuck he wants (with the help of Melina)
#Frostpunk fanart pro
Marika breaks Elden Ring in rage, various demigods pick up the shards and war, Morgott tries to stay loyal, Mohg goes pro gamer.Black Knife Asassins are made by Ranni and they perform a ritual that leaves Ranni as a ghost and Godwyn as this huge, expanding, mutating, living corpse (Fia sees this and says "I can fix him.").Miquella breaks off from Orthodoxy and makes his own Erdtree with blackjack and hookers blood and refugees.Greater Will trying to control Marika better?) Radagon ditches Renalla like yesterday's news and fusion dances with Marika (This is an alchemy reference about the 'ideal being' but its unclear how or why this was done.Marika said the words but its indicated she still cared for him a lot. Greater Will or Marika kicks out Godfrey for reasons that are unclear.war against Carian Lunar worshippers, who are brought in peacefully by marriage.

(questionable whether she was an agent of greater will or just 'named as an empyrian)

Her followers are still around but don't have the same level of power. GEQ rises up, an empyrian with the power of destined death.War against the giants who are a fringe group with the fell flame.At some point the people of Nokstella (probably the Nox) plot against the two fingers and get DIRECTLY taken out by the Greater Will dropping an evil mutant star on them, who's mere presence creates the alabaster Lord and his people.Kicks out Placid's wife and he goes into depression. Marika is brought in from Numa to replace dragons with Godfrey and Malekith at her side.Nokstella is mentioned as forming before Marika's coming, so it shows up here.No Erdtree, but a primordial source of life called the crucible (makes sense that Godwyn is later permitted to worship dragon god since they were just a predecessor under the Greater Will.) Placidusax is Elden Lord under a Dragon God and the Greater Will.Obvious going to get a lot of shit wrong but Tried to piece together a timeline of sorts.